Virtual Tour with the Principal

Parent Teacher Association of Amnuay Silpa School or “ANS PTA” was established in 1990.

The objectives of the ANS PTA are :

  • To exchange information, knowledge and opinions between members.
  • To support the education of ANS students.
  • To enhance curricular and extra-curricular programmes of Amnuay Silpa School based on the school’s policy and to reinforce school activities to aim for the highest achievements.
  • To fundraise and provide support through scholarships and funding for students with financial difficulties.
  • To support students and parents welfare.
  • To strengthen good relations amongst ANS parents, teachers, management and students.
  • To raise the profile and reputation of Amnuay Silpa School.
  • To encourage ANS parents, teachers and students to participate in school activities and also participate in public and social activities where necessary.

ANS PTA has supported and organised a number of events to raise funds for ANS, including the annual “Fun Fair”, Charity Rally and Marathon and also Charity football matches between ANS parents, teachers, staff and students